this is my pew all summer long, my vintage 70's deckchair is so comfy and the sun shines all day long in the new garden. so here is where is perch after skiving off early on days when the sun didnt have his hat on. (or is the saying the other way around??). Here i would crochet crochet crochet till the sun came down.
Just look at the row upon row of Pak Choi, a favourite of mines that i like to use in stir frys and currys. Although this year they were huge and i got tons so I managed to share the love until the caterpillars came and obliterated a good row or two.
Please now... no rude jokes about the size of my cucumbers. I know they are rather large and I am very proud of showing them off. This was such an easy crop this year, bung it into a pot, water every day and wowzers they just grow and grow. Though the leaves did get a bit mouldy and im not sure why, but it didnt seem to affect the growing!
Tomatoes are an old favourite and I think this year i have about 4 plants, cherry, medium sized ones and beefsteaks. Though im a little sad coz my huge giant beefsteak was ripening all nice one day and the next had grown giant mouldyness on its bottom. it was a sad day for grow you own. But the ones i did get were the juiciest tastiest ones EVER. I love the taste of a freshly plucked tangy tom!!
These bad boys may look small but were spicy indeed! I popped these into a stirfry with my courgettes and pak choi and phewff they added a nice kick! Still loads more to pick so looks like im having spicy suppers for the foreseeable future.
and my final crop which is my baby...
Some people have puppies and kittens as substitutes for being childless I have this pumpkin, yes its not conventional but I do care for it on a daily basis making sure it has enough food to eat and water to drink. and no beasties come to bully it. It was a bit of a late bloomer and I had almost resigned myself to being pumpkinless this year but all of a sudden 2 fruits appeared! and the watering can came back out, but to my dismay one of the babies shriveled up and fell off. to say i was devasted was understatment, almost on par with my dismay at tomatoe's mouldy bottom. But 2nd pumpkin is flourishing and is size of my head for now. I will be checking each day for mould and making sure no caterpillars, rabbits or foxes eat my damn pumpkin!!
hold on, must dash, there's a man with a white coat knocking at the door....