Monday, 8 August 2016

Farmer Bo

Summertime is always time for me to get my garden into shape and get my crops a good start. Have been growing my own for a wee whiley now, but I wouldn't say I'm super experienced, in fact each year my harvest seems to shrink!! complacency perhaps? This year will be my 6th year of growing your own and I had hoped for a bumper harvest ...

This year I have high hopes for a mega pumpkin patch and kids in the hood can come and pick their own. Have also trying my hand at legumes - thats peas and beans to non-gardening folks as well as my usual successes of courgettes, tomatoes, cucumbers and chillies. But sadly this is not the year for grow your own, normally by this time fruits are appearing and the harvesting begins but hardly anything is growing or what little buds are forming are getting eaten by birds and snails - boo hoo.

So what little was left of the mangetouts has only produced a handful of fruits :( but better than nothing!!

Harvest from the weekend - my first courgette and cucumber!! Bit late in the season though.